Tuesday 27 September 2011

Depth of Field

These images were taken using a large aperture (f 3.8) to create a shallow depth of field. This is where the focal point of the image (in this case the camera) is in focus and the rest is blurred. For this situation I really like the effect of a shallow depth of field as it keeps your eye on the main object in the picture. This sort of setting would be great for nature photography e.g. flowers or wildlife or sport photography - showing the sports person sharp and in focus and the background to be blurred.

These images were taken using a mid point aperture (f 11) allowing a lot more of the image to be in focus. I don't think these images are as interesting as those with a larger aperture because I love the soft backgrounds.


These images were taken using a small aperture (f 22) which will then make the whole image sharp and in focus. This sort of setting would be great for things like landscape and architectural photography.

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