Tuesday 27 September 2011

Research : Darren Hall

DISCLAIMER: These images were all taken by Darren Hall.
None of the above images are my own.

Darren Hall is a street photographer from Huddersfeild who generally works in Straight-Up photography. He splits his time between London and New York working for i-D magazine which is about fashion, music and culture. At first glance these images may look quite boring, with a person stood in the centre of the frame, however, when you look at Hall's work you realise that a lot of thought has gone into his background and setting, and it always seems to go alongside what the person in the image is wearing. Hall always seems to photograph quite eccentric looking people which is really interesting to look at. I would like to have a go at this style of Straight-Up photography myself, I just need to pluck up the courage to ask people if I can photograph them!

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