Monday 16 January 2012

DOCUMENTARY Assignment : Part 2 : Task 4 : Test images and critique

Here I have tried to imitate Julian Germain's style of imagery by blurring out backgrounds on photoshop to highlight the thing that I was photographing. I was trying to recreate the narrow depth of field using modern digital in-camera techniques when I should have been using traditional in-camera techniques and photographing things on the correct settings to show narrow depth of field (large apertures). I don't like these images because they look very altered and unnatural and in future shoots I am going to create the effects in-camera.

Here I have tried to photograph my mum doing everyday activities. Here she is drying her hair and having her daily actimel drink. I really like the lighting in the bottom image but don't think it is a particularly strong image. I will try and photograph her in lighting like this in future but in different situations. I quite like the interesting angle of my mum drying her hair as you can see her in the mirror, however, I don't like the lighting in the image as it is very dark. 

Here I have tried using traditional in-camera techniques using the settings in my camera. I took these images using F4.5. I really like these images and will continue photographing my mum this way. I would like most of my set to revolve around this style of photography. These images work especially well because of the text and looks really good shot in this way.

I thought it would be an interesting concept to photograph my mums hands and never include her face. I could explain who she is and things about her just from what she is doing with her hands. Here she is cooking, working on her computer and making her breakfast. I really like the concept but I decided I didn't want to just photograph her hands, I wanted to include other things about her like objects and possibly images of her whole self. 

Here I wanted to photograph other people in here life. The first image is of my mum at work talking to a man that she works with. The bottom image is of my mum on christmas day opening her present with my brother sat next to her. I like the idea of these images but I think that they almost take away the fact that the set is completely about her and not her and people in her life. I want the images to be solely of her or of objects that describe her so I won't be using these images in my final set. 

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