Friday 13 January 2012

IMAGE AND TEXT Assignment : Task 15 : Researching different lenses and cameras

Fish Eye Lens:

A Fish Eye Lens is the widest lens available. They were originally used for meteorology and studying cloud formation called "whole-sky" lenses. They are fashionable for distorting an image - and therefore should never be used on a model unless they are very skinny.

Telephoto lens:

A telephoto lens is a long focus lens where the physical length of the lens is larger than the focal length. This type of lens would be used for paparazzi photography - photographing celebrities from a long way away and using a really good zoom to get close ups of them. It would also be used in things like sport for  photographing players from all the way across a pitch and shooting them quickly. It would also be used for making models look slimmer.

Macro lens:

Macro lenses are specifically designed for really close up work. They can be used for photographing very small things such as insects or flowers. They can also be used at weddings for photographing rings and flowers. They can focus on things that may not even be seen by the naked eye - such as the fine hairs or tiny eyes on an insect. Macro lenses are quite expensive so there are other alternatives - macro photography can be achieved by using smaller extenders onto normal lenses and applying lenses backwards to a camera.

Wide angle lens:

A wide angle lens has a much smaller focal length than a normal lens has. This type of lens is great to use for architecture, interior and landscape photography as more of the image can be captured. It is especially great for interior photography where the photographer may not be able to get any further back in the room and the wide angle lens can get more of the room in than a normal lens could.

50mm lens:

A 55mm lens is a very small lens with no zoom. This means that the photographer must use their feet and their bodies to get closer to the subject they are photographing. They are great for creating a narrow depth of field and there is usually no auto focus on them so the photographer can create artistic photographs using the manual focus and the depth of field. 


A teleconverter is a camera attachment usually placed between the camera body and a normal lens. It is used to make the image captured by the normal lens bigger than it usually would be. A teleconverter works similarly to a telephoto lens. 

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