Sunday 6 November 2011

DOCUMENTARY Assignment : Task 1 & 2 : Research : Zed Nelson

The girl in this picture is 9 years of age. I personally think is it wrong for girls this young to be entering beauty pageants and wearing so much make-up. I believe that the parents of this young girl should not be encouraging her to enter these competitions or they should be discouraging her if it is her own idea to enter them. 

This image uses narrative within the set because it shows lots of breast implants ready to be used. Although I understand why women may want to change their breasts if they are unhappy with the way they look, I think it's quite bazaar that they will put something synthetic inside their bodies just to achieve what they perceive to look better than they already do. This image illustrated how un-natural the implants are. 

This image uses narrative on the theme of body image because it shows two thirteen year olds who are going to an underage club dressed older than they probably should be. The girl especially looks a lot older than thirteen because of her make-up and revealing outfit.

This photograph is really interesting and works well within the set because it is the stereotypical american couple where the man is a plastic surgeon and the woman is his most regular client and clearly has done a lot to her body to change it - it is very orange, very toned and she has large breasts.

This photograph of a tummy tuck is quite graphic as the skin is pulled back to access the stomach. It hits home about how dangerous these procedures really are and although may seem quite simple to go for a small operation to lose weight and not have to exercise this would have been very painful and is quite a traumatic experience to go through. 

This image shows quite an elderly woman dressing a lot younger than her actual age. It's not a nice look and doesn't look natural. I think people should embrace their ageing process and dress how they should be dressed for their particular age group and not always be longing to look younger.

The woman in this photograph is 44 years of age and weighs a mere 6.5 stone. She is anorexic and has been quoted saying “I want to be thin. I was always very sporty at school. Now I am a skeleton.” I think it is such a shame that she wants to be as thin as she is because it can cause such damage to the body.

This man obviously has worked very hard to achieve his muscular body and enjoys being this way. I personally do not find this attractive at all!

DISCLAIMER: All of these images were taken by Zed Nelson.
None of the above images are my own.

This set of images taken by Zed Nelson were to show the obsession we have with body image and the constant need to change ourselves. These images use narrative because they show the extreme lengths people will go to to achieve what they percieve to be perfection. I think the narrative only really works within these images if they are displayed as a set. 
I personally think that the set of images are quite disturbing that people will go to these lengths to change themselves and they're not happy with the skin they were born in.  I like Zed Nelson's style of work because he varies his imagery when it comes to location and subject matter. Although there isn't any unity by having the same location/background for every image in the set, it works well because of the variety and is aesthetically pleasing as the viewer is less likely to get bored.
Zed Nelson has done a very good job of using narrative in describing the theme of body image. Without any description to the images, the viewer can look at the set and clearly tell that the set is showing a powerful opinion from Nelson on body image. This set is called 'Love Me' which shows that the people in these images are insecure about themselves because they feel that they have to change themselves so that people will love them or will give them approval. 

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