Friday 4 November 2011

IMAGE & TEXT Assignment : Task 1 & 15 : Research In-Camera Techniques

Here are some examples of in-camera effects. These were used by photographers to enhance/change an image before editing software like photoshop was invented. 

DISCLAIMER: All of these images were taken from
None of these images are my own.


This photograph has been taken using a wide angle lens quite close up to the subject. I think they may have used post production techniques on Photoshop to make the area which is not speckled completely black and a lot darker than it may have been shot with. I think this image was taken using artificial light because the models face seems to be glowing quite brightly in areas - possibly caused by additional artificial lighting.



I think this image was taken in natural light because there is no harsh light added to the models face.


I think that this was taken in artificial light and flash has been used here, I can tell this as the area around the dogs face is very bright. 


Here a wide angle lens has been used very close to the subject as it hasn't focused properly and has form a sort of silhouette of the object in the image.

This photograph was taken in daylight, I can tell this because of the soft but bright light coming in from the top right corner of the image. 

Here I think a telephoto lens has been used to zoom in on the subject and focus on the fine hairs on the fur of the toy. 


This photograph wasn't taken in any light, and flash hasn't been used, as the image is very dim and quite dark. This is to show that the only lights in the image are the fairy lights being highlighted by the bokeh effect. I think the image has been taken through post production techniques in Photoshop to create a vignette around the outside edges of the images to make it look even darker to show the lights.

I absolutely love these techniques. They are really creative and artistic and are aesthetically pleasing. I especially like the heart confetti one. They show photography in a different way and are really abstract. I had never thought about in-camera effects before and I am definitely looking forward to going home and trying some out for myself. 

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